Sunday, August 9, 2009

Haunted - Evaluation

So, I received virtually no feedback from the post of my video entitled, "Haunted," so this evaluation is coming straight from me. I'll start off by mentioning that it was the first video that I ever produced and directed on my own. But no time for excuses. The video's unappealing. There are some essential elements missing. I need to take more time developing it, instead of rushing the production to make a deadline. So, I'm going back to the drawing board. I'm going to take what I've learned in producing the first video to make the second one 10x better (for everyone's sake). And the rest of the project will be coming soon, too! Like I said, I'm going to take my time reproducing "Haunted," but I will be premiering the video for another poem very shortly. Stay tuned.

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